Pending, Doing, Done

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  2. Alternatively, choose the comprehensive version, which provides additional context, incorporates session-specific activities, timers, and more. (30-50mins)

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Pending, Doing, Done


Ever feel like you've got too much on your plate?

Too many tasks to do?

Too many deadlines to remember?

If you wrote everything on a post it, would it look a bit like this?

Does it sometimes feel a bit overwhelming?

You're unsure where to start? you don't!

First, write a list of all the tasks you've got to do.  Include: homework tasks, reviewing notes, revision for tests, additional reading you'd like to do etc.

Don't worry if it seems like there's a lot on it!  

Put that list aside - we'll come back to it later.

Now let's have a look at a system to tackle that list!

Pending, doing, done


This is where you put new tasks as they arrive.  You write each task on a sticky note.  


For each task you've got to do, decide whether it is:

cold = not urgent

warm = needs doing quickly

hot = top priority

So now look at your own list of tasks and decide which are:





Put them in the appropriate column  


Pending, doing, done

Pending, doing, done


This is the stuff you’re working on right now. You don’t want to be overwhelmed by trying to do a dozen things at once so there are only THREE slots here.  

Move 3 jobs that are hottest from the pending column into one of the three boxes

This is where you focus your work every day.

Pending, doing, done


Done is where you put your sticky note when you’ve finished the task.  Don’t just bin it - it’s satisfying to fill up this section and see what you’ve achieved.  You can clear it every couple of weeks.  







At the end of the week, see what tasks you've moved into your DONE column.  

See how much you've achieved!

Make sure you keep moving tasks between the columns so that you have a steady and planned workflow.  

  • Make your tasks clear. Avoid, “Maths” and go for “Finish 3 maths problems from booklet”

  • Try and include active verbs like “complete” “start work on…” “speak to…” – they help clarify exactly what the action is

  • Add an estimated time to complete

  • Add a deadline to help clarify whether its hot/warm/cool

  • Keep your ‘done’ tasks on the board – it’s motivating!


Pending, Doing, Done


First, write a list of all the tasks you've got to do.  Include: homework tasks, reviewing notes, revision for tests, additional reading you'd like to do etc.

Don't worry if it seems like there's a lot on it!  

Put that list aside - we'll come back to it later.

Now let's have a look at a system to tackle that list!

This is a fantastic organisational tool to organise your whole life!!

We use a 3 tier system to categorise your complete "to-do" list







At the end of the week, see what tasks you've moved into your DONE column.  

See how much you've achieved!

Make sure you keep moving tasks between the columns so that you have a steady and planned workflow.  

  • Make your tasks clear. Avoid, “Maths” and go for “Finish 3 maths problems from booklet”

  • Try and include active verbs like “complete” “start work on…” “speak to…” – they help clarify exactly what the action is

  • Add an estimated time to complete

  • Add a deadline to help clarify whether its hot/warm/cool

  • Keep your ‘done’ tasks on the board – it’s motivating!